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Our Model is Simple

We always work through the persecuted church to provide relief and development to communities who are hurting and lack hope. Our model is contextual, sustainable, cost-efficient, and most importantly supports our Brothers and Sisters in Christ so they can be the church God has called them to be. 

South Asia

The door is open and we have rushed in. Partner with us in connecting, resourcing, and equipping the persecuted church in South Asia to bring hope in the midst of crisis.

Ministry Programs

Training Indigenous Leaders

Crisis Response

Program Expansion

Hope Over Crisis trains vetted, persecuted, indigenous church leaders in the 10/40 Window to be proficient in the Scriptures and competent in tangible, whole-gospel outreach strategies, especially in times of crisis. 

We train and equip vetted, persecuted  church partners throughout the 10/40 Window, in hostile and vulnerable contexts in professional, life-saving crisis response,  bringing tangible and spiritual hope in times of crisis to their communities.

We desire to expand our ministry's reach to 36 countries partnering with over 10,000 vetted, persecuted church partners to bring hope in the world's darkest places amidst crises. We are ready and have what's needed in place, but we need your partnership. 

Offer Hope. 
Give a Hope Bag.

You don't have to go anywhere. You can simply pack or purchase a Hope Bag that will be distributed by our church partners offering hope to a community in crisis. Our bags not only bless our church parters but also bless those who have no hope. Click below to learn more.

con•text•ual (kÉ™nˈteks(t)SH(É™w)É™l)

Contextualization is sensitive to the worldview of the "hearer". It is the process of sharing biblical revelation and the message of the Gospel so they can be understood, including possibly being offensive, but for the right reasons, and allowing people to live out the truths taught in the Bible, in culturally meaningful ways that glorify Jesus. 


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Empower the Persecuted Church

Partner with us financially to connect, train, and mobilize over 10,000 persecuted churches to bring hope in the midst of crisis. 

"Just as one could not speak of the church without speaking of its mission, it was impossible to think of the church without thinking, in the same breath, of the world to which it is sent."


David Bosch

Get your church directly involved today.

Too many churches in the U.S. today are sitting on the sidelines of God's global agenda of redemption for all who will call on the name of Jesus. We desire to connect your church to real opportunities and partnership with the persecuted church. Don't let your church sit on the sidelines. Contact us today to learn more.

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